Our friends Karisa Krcmar and Tina Horsman from Loughborough University have written this timely and engaging book: Mindfulness for Study: From Procrastination to Action, arising from their own extensive experience in running mindfulness workshops for students. You can buy a copy in either print format or as an ebook here: https://www.inspiredbylearning.eu/book/9
This absorbing and accessible book provides an in-depth introduction to mindfulness for study, with specialist chapters on areas including ‘Mindfulness: Reading for Successful Study’ and ‘Mindful Use of the Internet’.
The authors use an engaging travel metaphor throughout: working through the content is presented as a learning journey, and ‘Your ticket to the next chapter’ provides a helpful synopsis of both the chapter just completed and the one to follow. Feedback from students who have already taken the journey is dotted through the book in the form of ‘Postcards’ and meditation exercises are presented as ‘Stop Off Points’ for travellers.
Applying mindfulness principles within a study context gives this book an innovative slant: it is primarily aimed at students, but would also be highly useful for academic and support staff who may wish to explore mindfulness in relation to their own development, or use some of the techniques with their students.

The writing style is clear and free of jargon, with an engaging, friendly tone and punchy, short sentences. Complex terms and references are clearly explained and are fluidly combined within the highly readable text. Page layouts contain a good mix of textual and visual content: the main text is nicely broken up by relevant visuals and text boxes signposting useful tips, charts to fill in and pauses for mindfulness practice.
This book has a very ‘hands-on’ feel: there are lots of exercises to try, from mindfully planning your calendar to dealing with difficult emotions. All are clearly explained, using helpful acronyms and images. The writers are realistic about likely distractions to study, and offer lots if ideas on how to manage these, with particular reference to the diversions caused by social media.

[…] around mindfulness for learning: you may remember that the book that she wrote with Karisa Krcmar, Mindfulness for Study, was reviewed here a while back. She is currently updating this publication as well as leading […]
[…] contexts, and have been made aware of the role of mindfulness in learning by publications such as Mindfulness for Study: From Procrastination to Action by Karisa Krcmar and Tina Horsman. In short, being ‘present’ in our daily lives offers well-documented and significant benefits […]